Cairaguas (cairaguas) wrote in songlations,

"Justicia, Tierra, y Libertad" by Maná, English translation of lyrics

"Justice, Land and Liberty"
Album: Revolución de Amor, 2002. It won a Grammy and Latin Grammy.
Style: Latin rock anthem
Country: Mexico
Listen: YouTube


Justicia tierra y libertad (x2)
Oye tú mi canto, óyelo, óyelo
Oye tu mi llanto, óyelo, óyelo

Justice, land and liberty (x2)
Hear you my song, hear it, hear it
Hear you my cry, hear it, hear it

Hermanos y hermanas de otras razas
De otro color y un mismo corazón
Rezas y rezas y nada interesa
Por eso hagamos la revolución de amor

Brother and sisters of other races
Of another color and of a same heart
You pray and you pray and nothing interests
For that reason, let's have a revolution of love

Estamos exigiendo todo el respeto
Respeto al indio y a su dignidad
Ya lo dijo Villa, dijo Zapata
Justicia, tierra y libertad (x2)

We're demanding all your respect
Respect for the indian and for his dignity
Villa said it, Zapata said it
Justice, land and liberty (x2)

Oye tú mi canto, óyelo, óyelo
Oye tú mi llanto, óyelo, óyelo

Continue translation at, my new site
Tags: grammy, mana, mana: revolucion de amor, moved

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